
Code of Conduct

Guests, Faculty, and Attendees at Fantasy Art Workshop events (hereafter known as Guest) agree to the following conditions to partake in Fantasy Art Workshop’s Illustration Intensive event (hereafter known as Intensive):

  1. No one under the age of 18 is permitted to attend Fantasy Art Workshop events.
  2. Guest may use the workshop facilities for the purposes of activities associated with the Intensive. Fantasy Art Workshop may take such steps as it deems necessary to ensure compliance with such use, including removal of noncompliant Guest from facilities. In such event, Guest agrees to pay the actual costs incurred by Fantasy Art Workshop for removal and/or damages.
  3. Smoking and the use of tobacco or vaping products are prohibited at any Intensive venue, both within buildings and on property grounds.
  4. The use of illegal drugs/substances is prohibited at any Intensive venue, both within buildings and on property grounds. A Guest caught breaking this policy will be immediately removed from the event without refund of any kind.
  5. Weapons are prohibited at any Intensive venue or grounds.
  6. Guest may, at their own risk, use art supplies provided by themselves or by Fantasy Art Workshop. Guest may not use the Intensive venue’s art supplies other than easels, drawing horses, and art tables.
  7. Recording and/or transmitting video of lectures and demos is prohibited. While we love when attendees and guests share their thoughts about the overall experience or briefly talk about something that resonated with them, it’s important that they not give away that which is not theirs to give, namely the content of our speakers’ talks, that being their intellectual property and a part of their livelihood. Your cooperation is appreciated.
  8. Tuition is non-refundable. If a Guest finds after registration that they cannot attend, they may find a replacement at their own expense.
  9. Guests who require auxiliary aids and/or services as provided under the Americans With Disabilities Act are asked to notify Fantasy Art Workshop as early as possible so that organizers may provide an inclusive and enjoyable experience.
  10. Fantasy Art Workshop prides itself on being inclusive, inviting, and encouraging; organizers ask that Guests follow in that spirit as they and their fellows advance in their artistic journey. Guest agrees that they have read and understood the Fantasy Art Workshop Anti-Harassment Policy.

Anti-Harassment Policy

Fantasy Art Workshop (FAW) is dedicated to providing a safe and harassment-free environment on all its forums and for attendees at its events. FAW has a zero-tolerance policy regarding harassment, intimidation, and discrimination. This includes all harassment, intimidation, and discrimination made on the basis of race, age, sex, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical condition, religion, class, body size, veteran status, marital/domestic partnership status, citizenship or any other marginalized identity. Harassment includes verbal comments, written comments, creating or displaying images of an extreme sexual, pornographic, or violent nature, or behaviors such as intimidation, unwanted sexual attention, inappropriate physical contact, stalking, and/or sustained disruption of talks or other events.

The FAW Anti-Harassment Policy applies to all situations of harassment, intimidation, or discrimination at FAW programs and activities and is applicable to all FAW events and venues, including but not limited to FAW events and online interactions. Harassment, intimidation, and discrimination at any FAW venue is prohibited.

Harassment does not include respectful disagreement or reasonable and respectful critique made in good faith. FAW continues to welcome and appreciate the presentation of controversial ideas and creative artistic expression.

Reporting Procedures

Any person who believes there has been a violation of the FAW Anti-Harassment Policy can report the offense to one or more Safety Team Members who will be available to provide a safe space for members to report an incident. The Safety Team Members for Illustration Intensive will be FAW co-owner Silvia Acevedo and a non-owner Studio Assistant (to be named on-site).

Reports should include the substance of the complaint, date, and whenever possible, a list of witnesses or, if the offense occurred online, a reference to the relevant URL(s). FAW will fully investigate all complaints, including those made anonymously, and take whatever action is necessary and appropriate to prevent a recurrence. Please note, however, that FAW will not be able to follow up on an anonymous report with the complainant directly, as FAW will not have contact information for the anonymous complainant. FAW will make every attempt to respond to a named complainant in a timely fashion.


The FAW Anti-Harassment Policy prohibits retaliation against a member of the FAW community for reporting harassment, intimidation, or discrimination or for participating in an investigation relating to any complaint made.


FAW takes all allegations of harassment seriously and may implement any of the following Sanctions on faculty, speakers, and/or staff:

  • warning the party involved that the particular behavior is inappropriate and must cease;
  • immediate removal from the event;
  • denial of access to FAW spaces and venues on a temporary or permanent basis;
  • withholding of a contracted honorarium;
  • prohibition from future speaking engagements;
  • prohibition from future faculty appointments;
  • reporting of the incident to law enforcement.

Sanctions for attendees and/or guests can include any of the following:

  • warning the party involved that specified behavior is inappropriate and must cease;
  • immediate removal from the event, without refund;
  • denial of access to FAW spaces and venues on a temporary or permanent or basis;
  • reporting of the incident to law enforcement.


FAW will make every reasonable effort to conduct all investigations into allegations of harassment, intimidation, or discrimination in a manner that will protect the confidentiality and respect the reputation of all parties. Notwithstanding the above, confidentiality is not absolute, and those with a legitimate business or legal reason to know will be so informed. FAW will not hesitate to contact law enforcement should legal action be deemed necessary.

Version 5.0 – 11.2021

COVID-19 Protocols

The risk of exposure to COVID-19 or other illness exists at any event or public space, including the Illustration Intensive, which is conducted inside classrooms within an enclosed building, that is to say, not outdoors. Please take this into consideration when registering for our event. While we do not require face coverings or proof of vaccination to attend, be advised that the Illustration Intensive is a mask-friendly space. Guests are welcome to bring and use face coverings and hand sanitizer for their own well-being, personal comfort, and/or peace of mind. Fantasy Art Workshop (FAW) will not be administering Covid-19 or other health screenings on site, nor can we assist you in locating testing sites.

Should the State of Wisconsin, the City of Milwaukee, or our venue mandate that there be no gatherings due to COVID-19 and FAW thus cancels the Illustration Intensive for this reason, we will refund your registration fee. PLEASE NOTE, however, that it is up to you to cancel any other obligations you may have incurred in planning your attendance, for example, hotel reservations. FAW is not responsible for any other charges you may have incurred in planning to attend the Illustration Intensive.

Version 2.0 – 08.2023